
  • 资格 Requirements for Athletic 参与

    All athletes must be passing 5 classes with 2.0包括所有孩子,包括ECA, WIHI, WCC/EMU/UM/其他或社区的双重入学. 这些学校的运动员必须根据要求向体育部门提供成绩.

    You must live in the 休伦高中 District.  学生运动员还必须与上一年住在一起的父母或监护人住在一起.

    所有的学生 must be registered in at least six classes. Class must assign a grade or pass/fail.

    学者-Entry 资格
    满足以下条件 academic standards to BEGIN the sport:

    :  immediately eligible their first semester
    Sophomores, juniors, and seniors:  must have 5 passing grades with a 2.上一学年春季学期所有课程的平均成绩为0分(grade point aver年龄 can be improved by summer school classes)

    Fall 资格 Flow Chart

    :  immediately eligible their first semester
    Sophomores, juniors, and seniors:  must have 5 passing grades with a 2.上一学年春季学期所有课程的平均成绩为0分 (平均成绩可以通过暑期学校课程或秋季学期前九周的成绩单来提高)

    Winter 资格 Flow Chart

    :  must have 5 passing grades with a 2.本学年第一学期所有课程的平均成绩为0分(第二学期前九周的成绩可以提高平均成绩)

    Spring 资格 Flow Chart

    *There is a delay of at least a week to check eligibility at the end of each nine weeks.

    满足以下条件 academic standards to 继续 在体育运动中:要保持资格直到学期结束,学生必须保持至少5个及格成绩(D-或更好),其中2.0 grade point aver年龄 when grades are checked at the nine-week marking periods.  At each checkpoint the GPA will be calculated from the start of the semester.

    一个学生 meet the continuing requirement at the checkpoints 将不符合资格 从支票后的下一个星期一至星期日期间,最少一个星期.  然后,学生运动员必须将体育办公室资格旅行卡交给每位老师,并在本周三之前将卡交还给资格协调员.  如果是重新进入检查, made during the week that the athlete is ineligible, shows that he/she is again meeting the minimum standard above, the athlete will regain eligibility on 以下 周一.  There is always a one-week delay going out or coming back. The student athlete must have an Athletic Office 资格 Travel Card filled out before they can be reinstated.



    • 年级s from summer school count towards Fall eligibility.
    • 人数相同的班级只统计一次,二年级优先.
    • Classes with different numbers are counted as an additional class.
    • Any student who has an E, or Failure in any class or a GPA below 2.0 should take summer school classes.
    • 计算GPA和报名参加暑期学校是学生和家长的责任.

    How to Calculate Your 年级 Point Aver年龄 (GPA)
    要计算你的平均绩点,把你得到的分数加起来,然后除以分数 学分数 采取.

    All classes at Huron receive .50学分/ 上课时间 每学期.

    常规课程   AC /美联社/ DP课程
    年级 年级
    A/A+ 2.000 A/A+ 2.000
    A- 1.835 A- 2.000
    B+ 1.665 B+ 1.830
    B 1.500 B 1.665
    B- 1.335 B- 1.500
    C+ 1.165 C+ 1.330
    C 1.000 C 1.165
    C- 0.835 C- 1.000
    D+ 0.665 D+ 0.830
    D 0.500 D 0.665
    D- 0.335 D- 0.500
    E 0.000 E 0.000

    步骤1. List each course and the grade earned. Consult the above chart to determine the point value for each grade. Add the total 学分数 received.

    步骤2. Divide the total grade points received by the 学分数 attempted.  这是你的GPA.

    例子 代理1 A = 2.000
      几何学. AC B = 1.665
      生物学 C = 1.000
      个人健康 B = 1.500
      校乐队 A = 2.000
      世界. 历史 D = 0.500
      英语9 B- = 1.335
    总数 学分= 3.50 = 10.000

    Total 点/Credits=GPA

    These are some of the eligibility requirements.  See the MHSAA manual for complete details.

    1. 符合MHSAA居住要求的新生可以立即获得第一学期的入学资格.
    2. Students who are Wards of the Court are immediately eligible.
    3. Students must live in the 休伦高中 District. 新的学生运动员还必须与上一年住在一起的父母或监护人住在一起.
    4. All transfers must see AD (Athletic Director- Tony Whiren, 734-972-6005),并遵循最新的MHSAA地区/建筑资格和运动资格转移指南. 网络是 mhsaa.com
    5. Students cannot accept any award (money, 服装, or merchandise) worth more than $25 as a result of participating in athletics. This includes summer camps.
    6. Students may not accept equipment as an endorsement or to try out for a manufacturer.  学生和他们的家庭不得与公司签订有关体育或体育产品的赚钱合同.  学生不得穿着休伦制服为任何产品做广告或为此类广告付费.
    7. 一个学生 is 19 years of 年龄 before September 1 is not eligible.
    8. 学生必须在第一学期的第四个星期三或第二学期开始的第四个星期三之前到校报到.  学生不能在高中超过八个学期,第七和第八学期必须是连续的.  学生可以参加四个第一学期和四个第二学期的比赛,如果他们已经高中毕业,就不能参加比赛.  Students must have passed at least four classes the previous semester.
    9. Students must be taking at least 6 classes.
    10. Student athletes must have on file a physical dated after April 15th of the previous school year.  学生在体检、应急卡和保险备案前不得试训或练习.
    11. 为保证或鼓励学生参加体育活动而直接或间接与学校有联系的任何人使用不当影响, shall cause the student to become ineligible for a minimum of one semester.
    12. After practicing with or participating with high school team, 学生不能参加任何非休伦高中主办的体育比赛, in the same sport during the same season.  冰球和个人运动在赛季中最多可以参加两次非学校的个人运动会或比赛, but may not represent 休伦高中 or use Huron uniforms/equipment.  例外情况从学生第一次参加比赛或混战开始.
    13. 学生不能参加任何由MHSAA管理的全明星赛或全国锦标赛.  参加全明星赛导致学生至少一年没有资格.
    14. 学生不得穿著制服拍摄广告,亦不得因该广告而获得补偿. 学生不得签订比赛合同,也不得从外部公司获得免费设备.  Students become ineligible.
    15. 如果外国交换学生已从其本国的高中毕业,则不能参加.

    All teams will follow MHSAA rules.  Questions are referred to MHSAA 517-332-5046.


    任何计划入读大学并参加一级或二级体育运动的学生运动员都必须获得NCAA资格中心的认证. 资格中心将分析学生运动员的学术信息,并确定是否符合NCAA初始资格要求.

    在线注册: http://web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3/

    要求每年更改,请联系NCAA 1-800-638-3731详细讨论NCAA的要求.